Threysol Child Development Solutions
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Ask Your Expert: Impact of pandemic on child's development

08.01.21 09:03 PM By SAI HARIKA BOPPANA

Impact of pandemic on child's development

For the last 9 months, children have been at home with online schools and less interaction with kids around. Pandemic has resulted in extended lockdown like never seen before. Children need time with friends and community for their development. This was a question for parents and therapist/doctors and Dr.Subramanian shares his thoughts. Please watch in.

The question is very pertinent and provide a good discussion. Many clinics have observed an increase in the client flow, but we would have to wait and watch the trend in the coming months as the clinics open up. As Dr.Subramanian discuss, we might not need to intervene much and the children should get back to normal as the schools open up and they get to engage with their friend and other children. 

Thats get us to the conclusion of the blog series on Developmental Pediatrics with Dr.Subramanian. We hope you enjoyed the series as much as did in presenting the series. 

Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. 


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