Parent is the child's champion: How can young parent stimulate their child?
Brain is a neural network and neuro activity is highly active during the early years of the child, as the brain process every input from the environment. The signals flows and get processed through the core of the brain. The network structures and links gets reinforced based on the stimulation experienced by the child. Parents engage though different activities, daily routines need to be set and parents need to engage positively with the child.
It is not necessary to buy special products and services for the routine activities. Earlier joint family setup was very conducive for the child as we have numerous relatives all engaging with the child simultaneously, with the growing nuclear family setup the number of interactions reduce. Some of the common everyday activities are
- Love and affection which come pretty naturally need to be expressed to our children, the unconditional love allows for the creation of strong self-confidence and reinforces bonding between the family.
- Talk and sing in the mother tongue. Continue to describe the activity that you are doing, sing as a song and enjoy the moments with the child. The descriptions provide language nutrition that helps in developing vocabulary in children and also helps connect with the environment.
- Respond to the queries from the a right manner. Never ignore any question from the child, your response provides confidence, sense of trust and emotional connect.
- Touch the infant through cuddling, feeding and also build eye contact.
- Modelling is a quick approach, encourage the child to imitate your actions and you can imitate the child's actions. Appreciate her action by applause and hugging as it reinforces the brain connections to further motivate to imitate facial expressions and emotions.
- Let the infant experience the environment by taking the child on trip around the house, to the market, grocery store, park and neighborhood. This experience encourages the child to discover the entities, smell, sounds and climate around each of the spaces.
- Read books to the child in the mother tongue and this increases the vocabulary of the child, change of intonation while saying the words builds connect to pictures.
- Singing songs to the child in the form of lullaby or rhymes with sounds engages the child and creates an opportunity for them to imitate
The video highlights the research about the neuro development of child. while the above activities provide positive experiences for the long term well being of the child.
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