ORCHID Program - Our child's Holistic Development
- Comprehensive Assessments by our panel of experts which include administering developmental assessments covering all the developmental domains i.e Cognitive, Communication, Physical and motor, Socio-emotional, Sensory processing along with health and nutrition.
- Integrated intervention plan including Developmental therapies and Medical intervention necessary for the child.
- Reviewing efficacy of treatment and holistic progress on periodic basis

Early and Regular developmental check ups at Hospitals and Schools
In India, sources have found prevalence of 1.5-2.5% of developmental delay in children under 2 years of age. Primary care physicians can play a pivotal role in early detection of delay so that effective intervention may be taken at this stage to reduce a long term sequaele. Source: www.indianpeadiatrics.net.
We at Threysol provide
- Early Developmental checkups at multispecialty hospitals, maternity clinics and pediatric set up's
- School screening programs at pre-schools and middle schools to identify developmental delays, monitor child's developmental trajectory on a regular basis i.e every 6 months untill 8 years of age.

PAT (Parent as a Therapist) Program
For parents who are in remote places or in locations where they are unable to access services, PAT program helps in training mothers / primary care givers to provide early intervention.