Threysol Child Development Solutions
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Ask Your Expert: Impact of pandemic on child's development
For the last 9 months, children have been at home with online schools and less interaction with kids around. Pandemic has resulted in extended lockdown like never seen before. This was a question for parents and therapist/doctors and Dr.Subramanian shares his thoughts. Please watch in.
08.01.21 09:03 PM - Comment(s)
Ask Your Expert: Is Screen Time a cause of concern in Tele Therapy?
Hours of screen time for kids has been an ongoing discussion for parents at large. We asked this common query to Dr.Subramanian and listen in to his thoughts. Pretty logical, and to the point. Enjoy watching the discussion.
08.01.21 09:01 PM - Comment(s)
Ask Your Expert: Tele Practice in Developmental Assessments.
Tele practice has become the only option for parents to get the support from the therapists. Tele practice is not a silver bullet but definitely provides certain advantages compared to the In-Person session.
08.01.21 08:33 AM - Comment(s)
Ask Your Expert: How frequently should we monitor the child development
Vaccination visit is not just for vaccination, rather we need to take time to talk to the pediatrician and understand the developmental aspects of our children.
07.01.21 05:21 PM - Comment(s)
Ask Your Expert: Who is the first professional parent need to visit for child's development queries
Parents have more information and hence more confusion on whom they should contact incase of any child developmental query. Lets hear from our expert on his take on this question.
05.01.21 10:14 PM - Comment(s)
Ask Your Expert: Focus area for Developmental Pediatrician
What Developmental Pediatrics is all about and how its different from General Pediatrics.
04.01.21 09:45 PM - Comment(s)
Ask Your Expert - Developmental Pediatrics - Introduction
As parents, we take utmost care of everything that is related to our child. We cherish the moments when our children achieve milestones like crawling or saying their first word. Here is some information that might help you.
04.01.21 09:44 AM - Comment(s)
Does Parent training promote learning in the child? Here's what one needs to know

From Infancy through childhood and beyond, children learn Speech, Language and other skills from their parents. These skills are learnt during their interaction with their parents through out the day. During this interaction , infants learn several skills through observation, exploration and analyzi...
10.12.20 08:36 PM - Comment(s)
'Total communication' what does it mean? How does it help in communication intervention?
'Communication' is the process of exchanging ideas, feelings, or thoughts between two or more people. This process happens both verbally and non - verbally. Studies explain that 93% of communication we do is through non - verbal mode, only 7% of it constitutes of verbal communication. Non-verbal com...
10.12.20 08:33 PM - Comment(s)
Know the journey of child into learning Speech and Language ...
Speech and Language is not learnt instantly. It takes a year for a child to utter 1 meaningful word after receiving continuous stimulation and interaction with parents. Speech and Language development starts right from the womb. Fetuses can hear things, including speech in the womb. A study done by ...
10.12.20 08:30 PM - Comment(s)